Hello! Welcome to Road to FIRE. This is where you’ll read about my journey to financial independence. Along the way, I will share my learnings, struggles, failures, and wins. And periodically I will be featuring friends who are also on this journey.

Who am I?

My name is Road to FIRE. I’ve been working in the Bay Area for nearly a decade now. During the day, I’m an engineering leader at a big tech company. During the night, I like to read about economics and personal finance. I graduated college in May 2008 right before the 2008 financial crash. It took me a while to establish my financial foundation. By “financial foundation” I specifically mean having sufficient knowledge on how to build wealth and having the proper skills and opportunities to make a significant amount of money. In 2015, my financial foundation was solidified when I decided to quit my startup job to join a Big Tech company. My road to FIRE doesn’t contain the most exciting stories. In fact, it’s probably very boring to most people. The good news is I believe it’s easily repeatable for high income earners.

I’m currently 33 years old and plan to fat FIRE in my mid-30s.


What’s my FIRE number?


You can read more about why I am aiming for this number here.

What will I do post Financial Independence?

I will move to TX with my family and teach Computer Science. We need more engineers in this world! Additionally, I am committed to helping as many people reach FI as I can. If you’ve read this far and are interested in connecting, shoot me an email.

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